Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Selling cars

We all come to a time in our lives where we want to get a new car and get rid of our old one. And so we repeat a cycle, buy cars and then after a couple of years, sell cars.

Most of the time when you buy a car, you think of the day when you're going to sell it, so you usually buy a white car, because the resale value is higher. Or if it's in another color, you make sure the paint doesn't fade, or the scratches(from the time you thought the lamp post was further away) get polished out.

But let's face the music, it's hard to sell a car at the price you want it to sell for. So you close your eyes, hope for the best, and then take whatever price you can get from the first guy who offers you something reasonable. And then you realise something, the day you bought it, all of the plans you had for selling it, suddenly seems like a distant memory...

But sometimes dreams do come true. Sometimes you do sell your little white Volkswagen to some rich kid who only wants that one and nothing else. Or sometimes you trade in your old baby as a deposit on a new one and you make the motor sales guy's smile go for miles. And then one day you drive past an old car and get a fuzzy feeling inside, as if you've met before...

Yes, even if some of us never admit it, we do have some connection to our cars. They do get flat tyres and drink more than any teenager who discovered beer, but they sure get us where we want to go. And they sure star in many of our greatest hits in photo albums or fond memories. So, when the day comes when you put a price on her windscreen, take a moment...

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