Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to uncle Bobby B's!

Yes. most of you may recall this character on my blog this morning, uncle Bobby B, baby!

He's the guy in the first Transformers movie who sold used cars.

Now as you know, most of the teenagers drive used cars instead of new ones, due to the fact that it WILL end up in a tree or another car's boot! And unfortunately the parents are familiar with this fact...

So, what's left to be done when you get your first car, young man who just finished school? Well, four wheels with an engine might not be enough...

The choice is going to be tough, it's almost as tough as picking the right girl to date(just kidding). You need to go and explore all the possibilities, all the available cars, all your choices have to be weighed against each other. And now this thing sounds really complicated:)

But next time you see a "Used cars for sale" sign, pop in and see what they have to offer. It's as easy as that. Who knows, you might buy a car that can stand up as well.

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