Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TT becomes a DTMonster!

Some of you might be fimiliar with the German Touring car series, the DTM. It's a place where Mercedes, Audi and Opel provides the cars for the retired Formula 1 drivers and some other guys:)

Still, the racing is pretty intense in this series of motorsport, and it looks like it's going to get even better...

This is Audi's new creation, the TT RS DTM, and if this was a competition revolving around looks, she'll win already.

The only thing that seems to bother me, is that a touring car usually is something created by a guy who decided to kidnap the boss's four door sallon and pimp it up. Thus, leaving the family to struggle underneath the roll cage when dad's driving them to school.

But this, this is a car that, in no manner what so ever can relate to it's previous DTM brothers, except that it's German...

Still, we're going to have to wait and see how the TT performs, should they bring it to life for the next DTM series! It'll be a shame to give her away for some car insurance bloke in the boring department of Audi.

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